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It’s Better than a Lump of Coal: Art SALE & Professor Squirrel Presents Holidayland (December 2010)

BEASTMASTER: work by Jaime Lakatos (October 30th-November 28th, 2010)

Wanderlust for Wonder’s Sake: New work by Kerri Lee Johson

Habitual Homesteaders: Work by Gina Tuzzi and Tyler Bewley (August 14th-September 19th, 2010)

Compounding: Annual Group Exhibition (July 10-August 8, 2010)

Junk Pirate: Pete Glover (May 29-July 4, 2010)

Round Rhythm: Alissa Goss & Tallulah Terryll (April 17-May 23, 2010)

Holidayland 2009 (November 27-December 20)

Holidayland (November 27- December 20th) Mighty Mini Cookie-Ganza! : Sunday, December 13th,4-8pm Stop in,...

3 AM: Under the Full Moon: Work by Christopher Romer (October 15-November 15, 2009)